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Energy Price Cap for Your Businesses

Energy Price Cap for Your Businesses

Previously, we mentioned in the article that the Energy Bill will freeze the cap on household energy bills starting October 1 this year for two years. The same looming businesses will also receive financial support for six months from October in a scheme that will...
What are the “sequelae” of pound slumps

What are the “sequelae” of pound slumps

In our previous article we mentioned the new Prime Minister’s proposed mini-budget, which includes a slew of tax cuts and changes to ease the crisis in national life. In fact, the rise in interest rates has made a large number of overseas investors wary of the...
Budgeting Loans: What You Could Get

Budgeting Loans: What You Could Get

What is a budgeting loan? Who can apply for it? How much can I get? It is useful, but hopefully you’ll never use them. This year, we have mentioned many cost of living crises in our articles, and there is little news to be excited about except for rising prices...