0161 637 1080 info@jpaccountants.com
The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme

The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme

At the beginning of the pandemic, it seemed as though the government had forgotten about the self-employed as they were offered little to know support. This led to a lot of panic for the self-employed and sole-traders since, in many cases, they had no access to...
Coronavirus Support For Businesses

Coronavirus Support For Businesses

The last few months have been the hardest many businesses have ever had to endure. The constant lockdowns have meant many businesses have been forced to close, and due to the subsequent lack of revenue, many will never reopen. In an attempt to save as many companies...
Working From Home Tax Relief

Working From Home Tax Relief

In October of last year, the government introduced a new tax relief scheme for those who were being forced to work at home due to the coronavirus in the hope of alleviating some of the added financial costs the individual would incur on their bills (electricity and...