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Understanding Tax Codes in the UK

Understanding Tax Codes in the UK

Our earlier article mentioned Payslip and mentioned how to check payslips. Financial expert Martin Lewis has once again mentioned that incorrect tax codes on wages can cost hundreds of pounds. How to interpret the tax rate you should pay by tax code? Can the...
Corporation Tax

Corporation Tax

If you start a business, and it’s massive, at least it’s not your own solitary operation. You may need to discern whether businesses are subject to corporation tax and what changes after the Autumn Statement. This article will cover everything you need to...
Employing Overseas Workers in the UK

Employing Overseas Workers in the UK

If your business needs to hire overseas employees, you need to know how to formulate a PAYE for them. In addition to this, you may also want to understand how different types of employees should be taxed. In this article, we will interpret the basic tax law for...
Self Assessment Tax Returns

Self Assessment Tax Returns

If you are planning to run your own business in the UK or are just starting your own shop, paying tax is unavoidable. Each of your transactions needs to be tax-declared or even VAT to be considered a fully legal business. The Self-Assessment Tax Return is an important...
Inflation Makes a Cup of Tea More Expensive

Inflation Makes a Cup of Tea More Expensive

Earlier in our article we mentioned that inflation is rising at the fastest pace in 40 years. This comes despite last month’s government unveiling an energy bill subsidy scheme to protect households from exorbitant energy bills by April next year. As winter...